A Mere Test

R Markdown Using the knitr package

R Markdown Using the knitr package

This is just a test for using knitr in Blogger. Part is just copy-pasted from the knitr package.

Let's try a histogram of u^2


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

A Minimal Example for Markdown

This is just copied from the knitr example. This is a minimal example of using knitr to produce an HTML page from Markdown.

R code chunks

# The sum of two uniform variables
S = runif(1000, 1, 2) + runif(1000, 0, 1)
hist(S, breaks = 25)

plot of chunk setup


Let's try some LaTeX math as usual: \( P(j|X) = \frac{e^{u_j}}{1+e^{u_j}} \).


You can indent code chunks so they can nest within other environments such as lists.

  1. the area of a circle with radius x

    pi * x^2
    ## Error: object 'x' not found
  2. OK, that is great

Markdown is super easy to write. Go to knitr homepage for details.

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